Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Google's Monopoly - Will we witness the end?

For many years Google could do no wrong. Everything it touched turned into gold and whatever services it offered, in addition to the search, were always better than the competition's services.

More than that, back then Google represented the little guy who made it, the one with the values, one we felt we could trust to maintain a start-up mentality rather than embrace corporate values as it grew.

The first time I was disillusioned with Google was just over two years ago when the Google Trademark Enforcement Team decided to get involved in (ridiculous) trademark disputes.

Then we found out that Google saves all our searches and that it abides to court orders and surrenders our search history. Then there was the whole gmail fiasco - scanning private emails to better direct ads at us - yeah, whatever you say.

The latest sour note was Google's collaboration with the Chinese government.

But what is one to do? Google is still the best darn search engine. A monopoly indeed!

Well, there seems to be some hope. A few new search engines that may become serious competitors:
So - is it the end of Google as the best search engine? Unlikely. More likely that the good ones will be acquired by Google and the bad ones will disappear. Just like another monopoly we know...

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