Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Quiet End to the Boycott

Mentioning The Guardian in my last post, reminded me how quietly the boycott against two Israeli Universities ended. Last Thursday the AUT voted to end the boycott. This vote raised much less uproar than the initial vote to boycott.

I'm happy it ended, but saddened it even started in the first place. While I would criticize Israel and its actions, I wouldn't be a hypocrite to criticize only Israel and its actions. Doing that would imply that I have a grudge against the people of Israel or even Jews. If anyone can't see that, that's sad.

So many other problems exist in the world today. Once I see as big an uproar about these problems as I see about what happens in Israel and the Occupied Territories of Palestine, I would feel that the criticism is in order. When people hate blindly, their criticism, even if warranted and true, is ignored and falls on deaf ears.

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