Friday, May 13, 2005

Star Wars

Okay, okay, I know. It's not very cool to admit you wait impatiently for Star Wars III.

I, too, didn't like the first two chapters much, but I have a good vibe about this one. Don't know why. Well... maybe because the old characters are coming back. Darth Vader, Chewbacca, Yoda, not to mention the droids of course. And we'll get a love story and some pretty cool fighting scenes. Yoda vs. the Sith Lord I hope.

But what intrigues me most in this episode is the internal good vs. evil fight Anakin is about to undergo. Evil will win. We know it will and we still want to see the film. This, as I see it, will be the key to the success of the movie. If Lucas botched that one, if it's too simple, straight forward, or plain, then the movie will suck.

We need a good internal conflict, just like Luke's in Empire Strikes Back, which makes that episode so far the best Star Wars film made.

Of course, some lucky people have already seen the movie as Boing Boing's Xeni described in Liveblogging LA Star Wars III Premiere with napkincam.

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